
Promoting Faming provides a targeted consulting service to help farmers improve their businesses in terms of increased yield, productivity and margins.

The consultation service is offered predominantly to organic and bio-dynamic farms.

Promoting Farming does this three ways by connecting farmers to each other to help with solutions or problem solving, consulting around route to market business to business and business to consumer and providing targeted business solutions to increase profitability.

We get to know the farmers on a personal level as well as know their farming systems and products. We also get to know what struggles they are going through and help them connect with other farmers so that they can work together to grow the industry. At the same time we have an extensive network with other farmers and in the market place for those interested in produce directly from the farmer.

There is increased interested in food quality and the source of where food comes from.

We provide a pathway for organic or bio-dynamic farmers to tell their stories and the story behind the product and it’s production. Their products are no longer just a product on the shelf, they are bought consciously knowing the farmers and wanting to support them. The consumer buys their product because of the farmer and not the price.